JKA Headquarters Instructor Okuma Koichiro Sensei taught at the online seminar hosted by JKA Shokukai
Excellent theoretical and technical Keiko with Okuma Koichiro Sensei. He was assisted by Kurihara Jr. Sensei. This online seminar was detailed and comprehensive description and education about the core line and principle of the Body Dynamics in JKA Shotokan Kata Tekki Shodan. There never seen such a deep and methodical excellent build up!
Domo arigatou gozaimashita Sensei!
I wish to Thank to all participants from Sweden 🇸🇪, Austria 🇦🇹, Russia 🇷🇺, Romania 🇷🇴, Canada 🇨🇦, Spain 🇪🇸,, Cyprus 🇨🇾, England 🇬🇧 ,Japan 🇯🇵 and Germany 🇩🇪 !
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#nihonkaratekyōkai #shotokan
#karate #jkashotokankyokailollar #jkashotokankyokaiberlin
#kihon #松涛館 #松濤館
#tokyo #nihonkaratekyokai
#日本空手協会 #jkakarate
#空手道 #押 #shotokanryu #shotokankarate #押忍