JKA Shokukai Haru no Keiko with Kurihara Sensei 08.03.-10.03.2024 in Berlin Germany
JKA Shokukai 3 days Camp mit Kurihara Sensei in Berlin Germany
JKA Karate Camp – Kurihara Sensei in Berlin: JKA Shokukai 3 Tage Camp – Haru no Keiko – Goudou renshu
Vom 08.-10.032024 fand das JKA Shokukai Haru no Keiko mit Kurihara Sensei in Berlin statt. Zum ersten Mal weilte der JKA Headquarters Instructor Kurihara Sensei zu einem deitägigen Seminar in Berlin.
Es kamen Teilnehmer aus ganz Deutschland, aus Polen, Österreich, England, Italien. Trotz Bahnstreik waren etwas über 230 Teilnehmer angereist und erlebten ein super Training von Kurihara Sensei.
Kurihara Sensei ist hauptsächlich für seine starken eindrucksvollen Kata bekannt. Er unterrichtet an der Komazawa Daigaku in Tokyo und an einer Highshool in Yokohama die Studenten Teams, die gerade in JKF super erfolgreich sind. Auch im Kumite ist Kurihara Sensei herausragend. Er ist ein Allround-Genie des JKA Karate. Das zeigte er in 3 Tagen Training in Hochform und begeisterte die Teilnehmer des JKA Camps in Berlin.
Fotos auf der Shotokan Kyokai Berlin Facebook Site: https://www.facebook.com/shotokan.kyokai.berlin
Dank an das Team von Shotokan Kyokai Berlin für die Ausrichtung des JKA Shokukai Haru no Keiko – JKA Camp 2024
Kurihara Sensei ist einer der herausragendsten Wettkämpfer der JKA im Bereich Kata, war aber auch im Kumite sehr erfolgreich. In der Kategorie Kata gewann er die JKA All Japan Championships 9 mal und den JKA World Championships / Funakoshi World Cup (Shoto World Cup) 3 mal.
Er wurde 2011 Grand Champion der JKA mit dem ersten Platz in Kata und Kumite.
Here you can find a report about the camp in English:
JKA Shokukai Haru no Keiko with Kurihara Sensei in Berlin
The JKA Shokukai Haru no Keiko with Kurihara Sensei took place in Berlin from March 8-10 2024
The hosting organization Shotokan Kyokai Berlin was honored to receive JKA
Headquarters Instructor Kurihara Kazuaki for the first time in Berlin for a three-day seminar.
We made every effort to ensure that the JKA Shokukai camp was a big success.
Over 230 participants from all over Germany, Poland, Austria, England and Italy travelled to
Berlin and participated in this high-quality seminar led by Kurihara Sensei.
Kurihara Sensei and the vice chairman of the JKA Shokukai R. Schinck opened the camp with a
short speech and kindly thanks to the participants for their visit.
The beginner sessions included a thorough and detail-oriented review of fundamental
techniques, while the advanced sessions methodically built upon hip movement dynamics and
how they translate to kumite, bunkai, and kata. At the end of the weekend, participants left with
very positive impressions of the seminar and with renewed motivation to apply these ideas in
their training.
Kurihara Sensei is mainly known for his strong and impressive kata but is also outstanding in
kumite. His all-around mastery and expertise were fully epitomized during his 3 days of training
in Berlin and inspired the participants of the JKA camp.
Sensei went from the basics to the details of Kata and Kumite training in a very structured
manner. In particular for our instructors, this was a treasure trove for future training in our JKA
Shokukai dojos.
The camp brought together more than 230 participants from different countries and from
different parts of Germany. Many JKA clubs from Germany took part in the camp. But there
were also several visitors from other Shotokan associations who expressed their enthusiasm
about the high level of JKA techniques and the good and warm organization of the JKA camp by
the JKA Shokukai and Shotokan Kyokai Berlin. They were carried away by Kurihara Sensei’s
As organizers, we are very pleased to be able to spread the heart and spirit of JKA Budo Karate
beyond the borders of our organization.
Next to the camp we organized a get-together where we invited all club leaders to a buffet. With
Kurihara Sensei we had a nice and fun week after training in Berlin from sightseeing to the view
from the TV Tower restaurant and a nighttime view over Berlin from a Skybar with cool drinks.
Many thanks to all participants and especially to Kurihara Sensei and the JKA Headquarters for
their support.
More Photos on the Shotokan Kyokai Berlin Facebook site:
Kurihara Senseis Major Tournament Success
- 56th JKA All Japan Karate Championship (2013) – 1st Place Kata
- 55th JKA All Japan Karate Championship (2012) – 1st Place Kata
- 12th Funakoshi Gichin Cup World Karate-do Championship Tournament (Pattaya, 2011) – 1st Place Kata
- 54th JKA All Japan Karate Championship (2011) – 1st Place Kumite
- 54th JKA All Japan Karate Championship (2011) – 1st Place Kata
- 53rd JKA All Japan Karate Championship (2010) – 1st Place Kata
- 52nd JKA All Japan Karate Championship (2009) – 1st Place Kata
- 50th JKA All Japan Karate Championship (2007) – 1st Place Kata, 3rd Place Kumite
- 10th Funakoshi Gichin Cup World Karate-do Championship Tournament (Sydney, 2006) – 1st Place Kata
- 49th JKA All Japan Karate Championship (2006) – 1st Place Kata
- 48th JKA All Japan Karate Championship (2005) – 2nd Place Kata
Quellen: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazuaki_Kurihara (29.12.23, 22:10 Uhr);
https://web.archive.org/web/20080213000358/http://www.jka.or.jp/english/about/25_kurihara.html (29.12.23, 22:30 Uhr)

JKA Karate camp mit Kurihara Sensei in Berlin
Datum / Date: 08.03.-10.03.2024
Ort / Location : Sporthalle Dolomitenstr. 94, 13187 Berlin, Germany
Trainingszeiten / Schedule:
9.-6. Kyu (Weiß bis Grüngurt)
10:00 – 11:00
13:30 – 14:30
5. Kyu – Dan (Blau- bis Schwarzgurt)
11:00 – 12:30
14:30 – 16:00
9.-6. Kyu (Weiß bis Grüngurt)
10:00 – 11:00
13:30 – 14:30
5. Kyu – Dan (Blau- bis Schwarzgurt)
11:00 – 12:30
14:30 – 16:00
9.-6. Kyu (Weiß bis Grüngurt)
12:30 – 13:30
5. Kyu – Dan (Blau- bis Schwarzgurt)
10:00 – 11:00
11:15 – 12:30
Shotokan Kyokai Berlin
Organisation / Ausrichter:
JKA Shokukai Germany
(German Karate Federation / DKV)