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Schlagwort: JKA Seminar

JKA Technik- Seminar in Berlin Mitte

Am 12.03.22 findet ein JKA Technikseminar in der Franz-Mett-Sporthalle Gormannstraße 13, 10119 in Berlin Mitte statt. Organisiert von Shotokan Kyokai Berlin. Trainer: Schinck, Stein, Kliem, Borsow Zeiten: JKA Kampfrichter und Instructor :  10:30-12:00 Uhr  Prüfungsseminar 12:30-13:30 Uhr(10.-6.Kyu von weiß bis zum orangen Gürtel, Teilnahme zur Prüfung Pflicht) Prüfungen 13:30-ca. 15:00 Uhr (10.-6.Kyu von weiß bis zum orangen Gürtel) Themen: Prüfungsseminar mit Kyu-Prüfungen 10.Kyu-6.Kyu (Prüfungen ab 5.Kyu sind read more | mehr…

JKA Headquarters Onlineseminar with Hanzaki Sensei hosted by JKA Shokukai Germany

Keiko Hajime – JKA Shokukai mit JKA HQ Instructor Hanzaki Sensei A great Keiko Hajime – JKA Headquaters online seminar with Hanzaki Sesnei was hosted by JKA Shokukai and JKA Shotokan Kyokai Lollar.  Hanzaki Sensei was teaching: Extremelly detailed kihon-kata related to Jion. Deep explanation of the key points of Jion. Detailed body mechanics! Thank so much to the JKA Sohombu Dojo Japan and read more | mehr…

Excellent theoretical and technical JKA HQ-Onlineseminar with Okuma Sensei

JKA Headquarters Instructor Okuma Koichiro Sensei taught at the online seminar hosted by JKA Shokukai Excellent theoretical and technical Keiko with Okuma Koichiro Sensei. He was assisted by Kurihara Jr. Sensei. This online seminar was detailed and comprehensive description and education about the core line and principle of the Body Dynamics in JKA Shotokan Kata Tekki Shodan. There never seen such a deep and read more | mehr…